If you’re hoping to make money from a sales funnel, then by far the most important thing to consider is your targeting. In other words, how are you ensuring that it’s the right person who is receiving your marketing messages? How are you ensuring that the people who find their way to start of your funnel are the right kinds of customers?
This is called ‘targeting’ and it is actually the difference between making massive money and making no money whatsoever.
The best way to demonstrate why targeting works so well is to think about sales. In sales, you have the people who start out their careers cold calling and selling things like training courses. These are people who will be picking up the phone and trying to sell something expensive to a random stranger.
Now, some people will be very good at that and those people are going to be the ones who do well. As they progress, they will be given better and better jobs within their organization and eventually this will result in them earning big bucks.
What’s the best position? Selling to qualified customers who have a lot of money. Think about it: if you can sell something to strangers who probably don’t have much money, it will be child’s play to sell to wealthy individuals who have already told you they want to buy!
This is the concept that sales is based on and it’s how you’re going to make sure your business is successful when you’re using a sales funnel.
Because the equivalent with a sales funnel is simple – it means finding targeted customers and sending them to your site. It means finding people who are interested in your niche, who are the right age and sex and who have the right income.
Using PPC of course! PPC stands for Pay Per Click and this is a type of advertising where you only pay each time someone clicks on your links. PPC ads can be placed either on Google searches (through Google’s ‘AdWords’) or they can be placed on Facebook, where they will target people based on not only their age, sex and location but also on their hobbies, interests and job title!
If you can do this, then you can find the exact kind of person who is likely to buy from you and then make sure that these are the people who start their journey through your sales funnel. That way, you are destined to succeed!
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