Joe Rodgers

Author's posts

How to Do More In Less Time

This is a good news bad news situation. The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you’re the pilot. Does that make sense? The truth is that there’ll never be enough time in a day to do all that you want to do… unless you’re not doing anything. But then you …

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Simplicity Is The Ultimate Sophistication

This is a quote by Leonardo da Vinci – “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” It’s a fantastic quote that should apply all aspects of your life, especially so when building an online business. Most people make internet marketing more difficult than it really is. The buy so many products and so much software that they …

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How to Make a Living and a Life at the Same Time

We live in a world where success is measured by the amount we earn and the possessions we own. People who make six figure incomes and live in mansions are looked up to… while those who earn a minimum wage are looked down on. Because of this millions of people struggle to do well in …

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Vaccinate Yourself Against Shiny Object Syndrome

‘Shiny object syndrome’ is a term commonly used in the internet marketing scene to refer to marketers who keep buying new products that hit the market but never take any action on the info that they buy. All they seem to do is buy and buy and buy… but they never apply what they learn. …

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How to Write Persuasive Writing That Sells Every Time

When it comes to making money online, there are a number of different things you need to consider. But no matter what strategy you are using overall, if you plan on selling something, then eventually your success is going to come down to your ability to persuade. That means writing a sales script that will …

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The Power of Increments in Selling

An increment is a small change. If you count to ten by going from 1.1 to 1.2 to 1.3, then you are counting in increments.In psychology, increments are a powerful concept that has been shown to accomplish incredible things. And in selling, this psychological concept becomes an incredibly powerful tool.So what is an increment in …

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Why Targeting is Everything for Your Sales Funnel

If you’re hoping to make money from a sales funnel, then by far the most important thing to consider is your targeting. In other words, how are you ensuring that it’s the right person who is receiving your marketing messages? How are you ensuring that the people who find their way to start of your …

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How to Overcome Barriers to a Sale

When it comes to selling things to your visitors, a good way to think about your objective is in terms of ‘barriers to sale’.Of course, you need to make sure that your visitors are interested in what you’re selling, that they know what it is and that they think it’s worth the money. But even …

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Clickbank’s #1 strength and why you should take advantage of it

If you have just started with affiliate marketing, you probably already know about Clickbank. There is no way you would not run into this brand. It is a powerhouse brand in the world of affiliate marketing. With that said, a lot of people have all sorts of opinions about Clickbank. To some people, Clickbank is …

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